Thank you to the 350+ donors who powered our #SharetheLove campaign. From April 7th-24th, 2021, we surpassed our goal and raised $110,000 in support of our upcoming move to Capitol Hill and our new partnership with Seattle Central College – THANK YOU!

On each of the 18 days of #SharetheLove, we Spotlighted a different nonprofit partner with a video about their work and we made a $500 donation to their organization. It was incredible learning more about the work being done in community, and sharing the love with our partners.

You can learn more about these partners and watch the video spotlights by clicking the organization name below:

Seattle Central College   |   Food Lifeline   |   Chief Seattle Club
TeenTix   |   The Williams Project   |   The Hansberry Project
Black Lives Matter   |   Northwest Film Forum   |   Fred Hutch
Sound   |   The Washington Bus   |   The Everett Chorale
Baile Dior Studios   |   The IF Project   |   Velocity
The Unspoken Truths   |   Langston   |   Sawhorse Revolution

Thank you for joining us for #SharetheLove 2021!