When you were first approached to do the festival, what went through your head?

“Wow” was probably the first thing. I was pretty excited, because I’ve never done anything in repertory before as an actor. It’s an old way of doing theatre that doesn’t really exist in the country anymore. Where your focus is on not just different plays and parts, but absolutely different styles. From Shakespeare to Shanley, it forces you to focus more. It’s exhausting, but it’s a good exhaustion. I was excited about the attempt to pull it off.

What excites you about the festival?

The audacity. The audacity to attempt it. To try. These are not four easy plays. This is not for the faint, not for people who don’t have the willingness… It takes a lot of courage. It’s hard enough to do theatre in America with one show and hope they’ll come. But to do four shows and hope they’ll come to all four, now that is a serious cup of tea right there.

What roles are you playing?

I have three roles in two shows. In Romeo and Juliet I’m playing Tybalt and Paris. A lot of sword fighting and a lot of dying. One’s a nice guy, and the other is not. And then I’m playing Brutus in Dirty Story. I don’t want to give too much away because I think this is the shocker play. No one is really going to know what the heck is happening with it. I’d rather let people have their own experience.

Three different roles, how does that affect how you normally prepare for a show in this time frame?

Well, that’s the question. How am I going to work? It’s new territory. I looked at the tech schedule, and I was like “woah!” That’s going to be wild. How am I going to negotiate two productions, multiple characters, different styles? I’m learning and it’s definitely a big twist. In the morning I’m sword fighting and speaking verse, I have an hour break, and then I come back and I’m wrestling with John Patrick Shanley, which is incredibly didactic, hard, intelligent, modern language dealing with big thoughts that I’m just trying to grasp, much less act. I realize the more I say yes and keep rolling with the punches, I’m going to get stronger and learn some things not just about theatre, but about me. So, I’m still figuring it out

Favorite Character?

That’s a tough question. I’m gonna go ahead and say that I tend to fall in love with the characters that scare me the most. So Brutus in Dirty Story. I’m really scared of this character.

Is there anyone who you didn’t know before that you’re excited to be working with? Anyone you’re looking forward to working with again?

I’m really enjoying the interns. I’ve been working in this town for 14 years and I’ve done a lot of work with people older and greater than me. Seeing their bright eyes and their earnest interest – it’s giving me a fresh perspective on everything again, so a big love and shout out to them

And Michael Place… He gets to avenge me for something I did to him on stage in a previous show. In Romeo and Juliet they may pick up on some planned revenge that we’re letting him have on me… We were in Merchant of Venice a few years ago, and there was an infamous little scene at the very end…. I was playing Gabo and he was Lorenzo. I was a clown, and he was a lover, and we were both pining for the girl, and there was something I did for a moment in a preview that silenced him… And I think he’s gonna get back at me! But it’s all about some man love there.